Allan Espinosa

Title: Autoscaling Containers... with Math


Docker and Kubernetes provide delightful APIs to show various statuses of our applications. Whether CPU, Load average, HTTP response times, etc., we have all that we need to make sure our app is running healthily. When things are on fire, we Ops people twiddle some knobs like spin up more Pods to keep things going. We mostly use our experience and knowledge of the systems that we are running to know what to do.

However, if you look at everyday things like your air conditioner and thermostat, they don't have an Ops team that gets paged to set the correct level of the coolant to set your room to the right temperature. They use some math called Control Theory to keep your room's temperature stable. In this talk, I will show how we can use the same concepts to autoscale and manage the health of our applications on Kubernetes.


Allan Espinosa

Allan Espinosa


Allan works at Engineyard where he supports customers’ Deis, Docker and Kubernetes infrastructures in production. Prior to that, he worked on managing one of the world’s largest CloudFoundry deployments using Chef. Allan is also the author of Docker High Performance from Packt Publishing. The book contains some worked examples and high level concepts on how to get Docker up and running in production.