In 2024, the DevOps community celebrates a significant milestone: the 15th anniversary of DevOpsDays. This event, which has grown into a global phenomenon, is returning to its roots in Antwerp, Belgium, where the original idea was conceived by Patrick Debois and Kris Buytaert. The conference began as a humble gathering in Ghent, the site of the first event, but it quickly grew into a worldwide movement, spreading the principles of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement in IT and software development practices to dozens of cities across the globe.
DevOpsDays events have been running for nearly 15 years now (plug: come to the anniversary event in Antwerp!), but the ecosystem in which events are run has changed. The cost of living has increased in many countries, the ability to travel has been severely reduced, and there is less financial ability by many historically generous sponsor companies.
As one of the co-chairs of the global core team, I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight a new section we’ve added to the Organizing Guide: Good, Better, Best Budget.
Like all events and event series globally, Devopsdays needed to adjust their plans in 2020/2021 - and depending on region well into 2022 as well. While many chapters decided to cancel their events, some organizers instead opted to go virtual, or: hybrid when regulations in their area loosened.
What was their experience with these formats, and what parts did organizers carry over to their in-person events in 2022? In fact, did they “go back”?
Registration for the event is open now. The ticket is a free add-on to registration for Devopsdays Chicago, taking place August 9 - 10.
This August, the day before Devopsdays Chicago, organizers from all over the globe will come together to exchange best practices and connect.
To celebrate 10 years of Devopsdays, in 2019, co-located with Devopsdays Ghent in Belgium, the first Organizers Summit took place. Devopsdays is a global event series, and there’s heaps we can learn from eachother.
“Is devopsdays still relevant?” Daniel Paulus asked his fellow organizers at our retrospective for devopsdays Amsterdam 2022. Standing in a circle surrounded by a peaceful field and a forest settling into fall, each of us had a chance to express our thoughts while the other six listened.
It’s a question that I am sure has been asked by organizers in other cities and by would-be organizers as they read the devopsdays guide.
The DevOpsDays community stands with our Ukrainian community members, friends and family. We condemn the actions of Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. We urge all community members to do whatever they can to help Ukraine; whether it be donating money, time, influence, or all of the above.
There are many ways you can help Ukraine right now.
TL;DR - If you’re in the US donate to Nova Ukraine and Razom for Ukraine which are both 501(c)3 and are commonly found in Employer Match programs.
In January 2015, Bridget Kromhout stepped up as the leader of the devopsdays core team, invited by founder Patrick Debois to replace him after he led devopsdays from 2009-2014. Bridget had organized devopsdays Minneapolis in July 2014, and was now ready to help streamline and improve processes to help other cities get started.
Over the next five years, Bridget scaled the organizing team up, adding core team members who could onboard and mentor new city teams, and seeking out core team members from communities and regions not previously represented.
Quando escolhemos a Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), tínhamos como objetivo nos aproximarmos da Academia, nos aproximarmos de uma Universidade Federal e assim, estreitar ainda mais os laços que esta comunidade de tecnologia tem com esse local que tanto formou e ainda forma profissionais para o mercado, não somente soteropolitano, mas sim para o mundo.
Escolhemos a Universidade Federal da Bahia, pois lá estão diversos grupos de professores e alunos que se beneficiariam profundamente com um evento dentro das suas instalações, e quem ainda não conhece a UFBA, teria o prazer de ver sua enorme praça verde, poderia descobrir uma Biblioteca imensa, poderia descobrir que lá está o ponto de presença de Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP) que conecta a maioria dos órgãos federais e locais através da sua rede remessa.
It’s hard to believe but it is almost 10 years ago since #devopsdays happened for the first time in Gent. Back then there were almost 70 of us talking about topics that were of interest to both Operations and Development, we were exchanging our ideas and experiences `on how we were improving the quality of software delivery.
Our ideas got started on the crossroads of Open Source, Agile and early Cloud Adoption.
Então você está pensando em organizar um devopsdays na sua cidade, hein? Nessa hora surgem várias dúvidas, as quais iremos responder da melhor maneira possível neste momento.
devopsdays é um evento internacional, não é meio grande demais para a minha cidadezinha? Definitivamente não, quanto mais diversos forem os locais onde o evento ocorre, mais diversa a discussão em torno de DevOps será, e isso significa que o ponto de vista das pessoas da sua comunidade local ainda não foram colocados em pauta e é a cultura DevOps que está perdendo com isso.
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