Blog Posts

Chicago 2016 in review

DevOpsDays Chicago took place on August 30th & 31st at Summit West in beautiful downtown Chicago. A sold-out, diverse crowd gathered for keynotes, presentations, lightning talks, and open spaces to learn, discuss, and promote all things DevOps.

Minneapolis 2016 in review

The third devopsdays Minneapolis, held July 20-21 2016 at the Hilton Minneapolis, was a balancing act between explosive growth and continuing what worked from 2014 and 2015. We’re delighted to let you know that the survey results seem to indicate that participants liked it! We had about 700 people attend the event. (For comparison, 2015 had about 350 and 2014 had about 250.) 133 people filled out the post-event survey.

Hockey Stick Growth

The explosion of devopsdays events in recent years is exciting for everyone in the community. Some of us have been in this space since before the first event in Ghent, while others are joining with the newest events coming online in 2015. In the last year we’ve added new global core organizers, seen the originator of devopsdays (Patrick Debois) move into an advisory role, and been thrilled by rapid expansion in the numbers and locations of events.

DevOpsDays Barcelona 2013

The first DevOpsDays Barcelona is scheduled for October 10th and 11th of 2013, registration is currently open, and of course we already made the call for papers available for all of you, who want to participate not only as a atendee on the event. If you register for the event before September 2nd, using the coupon WELOVEDEVOPS you will get a 15% discount on your tickets, so what are you waiting for?

DevOpsDays Paris 2013

The first DevOpsDays Paris is scheduled for 18-19 April 2013, and while this blog post is a little late to the game, it’s not yet too late for you to participate either as an attendee or a speaker. For those interested in attending, we’re offering a 25% discount on tickets through the end of this week (17 March 2013) - just use the “WELOVEDEVOPS” code and you’re all set. If you’re more interested in speaking, the Call for Proposals is still open until 20 March 2013, so don’t hesitate - submit your proposal today!

DevOpsDays 2012 - Rome Final Speakerslist

In case you hadn’t noticed yet .. Devopsdays Rome is on again .. And here’s the list of speakers You can't change culture, but you can influence behavior and behavior becomes culture. - Damon Edwards Failure is the new Success - Peter Halacsy The State of Open Source Monitoring: The good, the bad, the fucking terrible, and a glimpse into our future. - Jason Dixon Monitoring - Bryan Berry Metrics Driven Develpment - Mantas Klasavicius DevOps - One small step for business-IT alignment, one giant leap for infrastructure culture - Mark Burgess How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the PaaS - Colin Humphreys Beyond Continuous Delivery - Chris Hilton There are still some hours left to get your ticket at the Early Bird rate

DevOpsDays 2011 - Mountain View T-Shirt Design Contest

For the upcoming DevOpsDays in Mountain View we’re looking to create t-shirts based off of your design. We’re going to run a design submission period, followed by a brief rating period. The design with the most votes will get printed on the back of the Devopsdays 2011 - Mountain View event shirt. How cool is that? Details In order to make the voting period safe, we’ll be collecting submissions up to Midnight PDT on May 15th.

DevOpsDays 2011 - Mountain View Announcement

Announcing the 2011 DevOps Days - Mt. View What started in Ghent in 2009 and has travelled the world from Sydney to Sao Paulo to Boston is now coming BACK to Mountain View! That’s right, following on the heels of an awesome 2-day event in Boston DevOps Days is rolling into town to cap off the Velocity Conference. This will be the seventh official DevOps Days event and it’s sure to be a grand one.

Boston Devopsdays 7-8 March 2011 Call for papers

Another year, another devopsdays! This time in the marvelous city of Boston. On 7 and 8 March 2011, we are organizing a new devopsdays. It will be a two event with conference talks in the morning and openspaces in the afternoon. It is kindly hosted by the Microsoft NERD Center You can contribute in one of the following ways: Propose a session for the conference talks: it will be a 45 minute session where you can talk about the next big things happening in devops land, you’re reflections on devops (good and bad), the experiences you want to share.

devopsday Brazil 2010 - devops go samba!

Source: The ElectriClerk Agradecendo a ajuda do Daniel Cukier, temos o prazer de anunciar para vocês que um novo devopsdays está chegando. Dia 4 de dezembro de 2010, todos os devops vão para São Paulo - Brazil - Rua Arabé, 71 - Vila Clementino - perto do metrô Santa Cruz . Será um evento de um dia cheio de discussão, parecido com o programa do devopsays US Se você tem alguma ideia de discussão ou apresentação, sinta-se a vontade para enviar sua proposta para nós.
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