
The growth in Virtualisation and Containers is helping us replace a lot of our network infrastructure with discrete, ephemeral components and micro-services.

In this presentation I will introduce you to a DockerFile, a way of describing an individual container, a set of commands for creating a Container. This will specifically cover:

  • Finding existing Docker images to use and extending them
  • Triggering commands on a container
  • Setting environment variables
  • Exposing ports that a container may need
  • Copying files to a container
  • Submitting your own images to the Docker hub

I will demonstrate how DockerFiles can be supplemented with Docker Compose to create complex, inter-connected application stacks that can be created, deleted and updated with simple one-line commands. I will specifically cover:

  • Compose equivalents to DockerFile options
  • Linking containers
  • Selecting local or remote images

Speaker: Chris Ward

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