devopsdays Atlanta - Leadership Summit

In the leadership summit we will be discussing strategic frameworks and case studies focused on value realization, change management, roadmapping, security and architecture. The leadership session is limited to 40 execs to provide an intimate setting for dialogue, inquiry, and learning. This is an opportunity to co-create the futures in our industries together & provide some contrast to the outcomes of the devopsdays + map camp + serverlessdays Atlanta 2019 event on April 9th & 10th.

This event is on Monday April 8th at The Historic Academy of Medicine. Attendance is limited to 40 people.

Admission is only $40, but requires an application. To apply for admission please complete this survey.

Monday, April 8th Leadership Summit Agenda:

9:00am Doors Open - Book Signings w/ David Moschella & John Willis
9:30 - 9:45 Welcome
9:45 - 10:15 David Moschella - Seeing Digital
10:15 - 11-15 Simon Wardley - Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones
11:15 - 12:15 Cat Swetel - Variety: The spice of Life and Secret to Scale
12:15 - 1:15pm catered lunch, networking
1:15 - 2:15 Jabe Bloom - Whole Work
2:15 - 2:30 break
2:30 - 3:30 John Willis - DevSecOps Kata
4pm - 10pm Catered Offsite Reception

David Moschella

David Moschella - Seeing Digital

The Post-Cloud era has already begun. A powerful wave of new technologies, including machine learning, smart products, software agents, wearables, blockchains, speech/facial recognition, robotics, augmented realities, algorithms, and 5G wireless bandwidth is creating a digital world that is pervasive, embedded, aware, and autonomous. It's less a cloud of services somewhere “out there,” than a ubiquitous Matrix of intelligent capabilities. Seeing Digital shows how these exciting innovations will transform the industries, organizations, and careers of the 2020s.

Cat Swetel

Simon Wardley - Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones

Deng Xiaoping once described managing the economy as crossing the river by feeling the stones – in other words have a direction but be adaptive. But in a world of constant change, how do you determine the right thing to do? In this talk, we start by examining the issue of situational awareness and how it applies to technology. Using examples from government and the commercial world, we explore how you can map your environment, identify opportunities to exploit and learn patterns of change. Miss this pebble and you'll be swept away with history.

Cat Swetel

Cat Swetel - Variety: The spice of Life and Secret to Scale

Variety: The spice of Life and Secret to Scale

When we talk about “scale,” the conversation tends to be restricted to talk about scaling the size of the organization. What if negative consequences of scale eg silos, frustration, and even cumbersome expense policies are actually a consequence of attempting to scale the size of an organization without also scaling the amount of tolerable variety? Further, what if we should be doing more than just tolerating variety? What if increased space for (and decreased cost of) variety is a reason to scale, not just a curious byproduct?
If you seek to scale variety, you must understand and overcome the natural human aversion to ambiguity. This session provides an approach for incurring variety where it makes sense within the coherence of a longer-term vision.


Jabe Bloom - Whole Work

Designing Socio-technical Systems.

John Willis

John Willis

Mike Rother has been studying Toyota Production Systems (TPS) for almost three decades. In 2009, in his book Toyota Kata, he explained how Toyota was able to achieve dominating success in the market for over 40 years using what he calls "meta-skills". Put simply, he explained how Toyota acted like scientists in every facet of their business. Over the past few years, there have been numerous examples of how the ideas patterns and practices of Toyota Kata have been successfully used in Devops modern IT Transformations. Leap to 2018 where there are now interesting conversations happening around Devops and Security. This discussion has been coined as DevSecOps. In this presentation, we are going to tie together the amazing Devops Kata work with some of the new ideas emerging with the DevSecOps discussions.