Asmaa Ibrahim

Asmaa has 9+ years of experience in technical positions with established public companies, governmental agencies and start-ups.  She has high profile and diverse experience in system Engineering, Cloud Computing and Cognitive Computing, and has focused for the last three years on Cloud computing business impact in startups and Cognitive Systems.

She is working on promoting for cognitive chatbot development nationally and internationally in research activities, technical papers, conferences, universities and groups working in the field, with good hands-on experience in implementing cognitive chatbots (with many success stories in reducing the cost and improving the manageability of the company’s internal and production systems).  Asmaa has participated in designing & building a complete blueprint about building Machine Learning Management platform on top of GCP. Three papers have been published in cloud computing and cogitative computing areas till now.

Specialties: Technology Road-map, Cloud Computing, Virtualization Technology, Cognitive computing, Robotics and Analytics.

Asmaa Ibrahim at Cairo 2019

How Docker supports ML Models Deployment & Productionization - Use Case

Asmaa Ibrahim at Cairo 2019

    Asmaa Ibrahim