Your work has moral implications. Own it.

A non-trivial number of us are working for companies with morally suspect business models: models which depend on dubious methods to make a profit. There are many examples, from the obvious (we’ll use your data in ways that aren’t in your best interests) to the sneaky (give us your data and we might give you a discount while we sell it to someone else) to the downright dastardly (we’re sending your data to people that will use it against you.)

As the professionals responsible for implementing the solutions Management has in mind, it’s about time we gave this more thought.

In this talk, you’ll hear new ideas on ethics in software development that take into account the special considerations of the employed, rather than the employer. You’ll learn:

  • How to identify business models and feature requests that are morally suspect
  • Things you can do to be ready for a moral crisis
  • What to do when faced with a moral crisis
  • Malpractice - What is it? Why should we care?



Bill Horvath

Bill is an experienced software developer and avid Agilist who is honored to be serving as a Principal Consultant at Improving Columbus. Prior to Improving, his most notable technical achievement was ...