devopsdays Dallas - Location
Here we will provide you with information about the venue including address, map/direction, parking/transit, and any hotel details in this vicinity.
Conference location:
Plano Event Center
2000 East Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, TX 75074
If you are traveling to attend this event, the Plano Event Center is approximately a 45 minute drive from the DFW Airport via President George Bush Turnpike (East). Here is a list of hotels and their distance from the hotel to the vecinity of the Plano Event Center for your convenience: **[More information about Hotels, click here.](,+TX+75074,+USA/33.0787152/-96.8083063?spec=1&checkIn=08/20/2019&checkOut=08/21/2010&adults_1=1&c=USD&l=eng&i=3&sort=7)**