devopsdays Hartford - Sponsor

DevOpsDays Hartford will be back in 2019! It will be held October 2 & 3 at Infinity Hall in Hartford. We’re expecting around 200 attendees. This is a practitioner run and attended conference, so while the normal opportunities of raising awareness for your organization exist, so does the opportunity to meet folks practicing DevOps right now in your local community. We encourage sponsors to send engineers who can have meaningful conversations with attendees and even your recruiters who can speak first hand with local talent.

For question about sponsorship, please email the organizers at [email protected] .

Packages Bronze Silver Gold
Price (USD) $1000 $2500 $5000
Tickets 1 2 4
Logo on website X X X
Logo on email communications   X X
Logo on shared slide during breaks & on TVs X X  
Logo on dedicated slide     X
Logo on print banners   - -
Mention on social media X X X
Mention by MC during event     X
1 minute pitch to full audience     X
Unstaffed shared table for giveaways X    
1/2 table for giveaways (1 chair)   X  
Dedicated table for giveaways (2 chairs)     X
Table in high-traffic location     X
Become a Sponsor now!

If you require an invoice instead, please email us at [email protected] .

Special Sponsorships

All special sponsors will have their logo displayed on the DevOpsDays Hartford website, a tweet before the conference, and a thank you during the conference. We do have some flexibility with these sponsorships, so just ask! Email us: [email protected] .

Sponsorship Price Description Tickets Available Become a Sponsor now!
Lanyard $2,500 Your logo and company colors 2 1
Coffee $2,000 Sign near coffee, "Coffee provided by: $You" 1 1

How big is our booth space?

Gold sponsors will receive a 6’ table and two chairs. Silver sponsors have a 3’ table and one chair. Bronze sponsors will have a shared, unstaffed space for giveaways.

Who should I send to staff our booth?

It is good to send sales and marketing people on staff, but make sure to send your techy geeks that can interact with attendees during sessions, Open Spaces and breaks as this is largely a practitioner conference. You may also consider sending recruitment personnel as there are often people looking for their next opportunity. All sponsors are encouraged to participate in the event as it’s often the hallway and open space discussions that people remember most.

When can we pick our booth spot?

Our team will assign tables with higher sponsorships receiving location preference.

How many scanners (and which type) do we get?

None. The table is a place to talk to people during breaks. DevOpsDays Hartford is not a typical conference or convention. We have seen that sponsors benefit the most by bringing engineers to the conference and interacting with attendees. You are responsible to collect any information you want in person.

Can we do a giveaway on stage?

Absolutely. If you want to do a giveaway, you’ll need to bring your own method of collecting information (business cards, entry slips, google form, etc.) for whatever drawing you want to use. At the closing session we’ll give you a short time slot on stage for the giveaway.

What can we bring to the table?

Whatever you bring, must fit on or behind your table-space.

Will we have any chairs at our booth?

Yes, as described in question 1, 2 chairs for Gold, 1 chair for Silver, 0 for Bronze

Will there be a company sign at our booth?

You must bring your own signage and table coverings (Shared tables will have a provided non-branded table linens) but as before, everything must fit on or behind your table. Bronze sponsors’ shared space will not have room for banners.

Do we get any sponsored talks?

No, but you and your team are welcome to submit a proposal for a talk like everyone else.

Do we get electricity at our booth?

Yes, there are many outlets throughout the sponsor space and we will provide power-strips where necessary.

Will wifi connection be good enough for showing live demos?

Wifi will be provided for the conference, but we cannot guarantee the quality of the connection. If available, you may show demonstrations, but it’s recommended to have a backup, non-internet plan.

Do we get an ad in the program? When do you need graphics?

When payment for your sponsorship is confirmed, we will need one logo graphic. This should be a vector or high-quality graphic as it will be used on all materials.

Do we get a dedicated email blast?


What are the demographics of the attendees?

DevOpsDays Conferences typically attract technologists, engineers, and technology managers. These folks are attending to learn and share their experiences about the DevOps movement. They most appreciate sponsors who engage with them on that level.

For more questions on sponsorships, please email us at [email protected] .