3 Levels of Improving, Continuously

I have a more elaborate vision for DevOps. I define it as a culture where a diverse set of identities, genders, roles, educations, and techniques work together to ensure a balanced and focused perspective for team, product, and users. I hear this term often used when referring to only technical roles, but this version includes marketing, UX, design, and sales.

I’ll walk through the story of SnapCI, a now defunct continuous delivery tool, the unconscious silos the team built, how we broke them down, and one of the biggest mistakes me made when developing a new feature. I’ll also fast forward to how we built on those lessons learned and relentlessly worked towards improving our culture.



Louda Peña


My career has spanned almost two decades, working in the internet industry on both agency and product sides. I started as an analyst and strategist, eventually starting my own marketing agency to help
