Devops in Regulated Industries

Devops in regulated industries

Many industries regulate and audit the software development process to ensure safety or security risks are managed in a professional and repeatable manner. This makes sense if you are handling financial transactions, air traffic control, insulin pumps and car braking systems.

Proving compliance with regulation is an under-served area of devops. Most regulations are written with general guidance, not specifying the exact recipe to follow. In order to comply, organizations implement manual processes and gate-checks, with every software release documenting the proof that the agreed processes have been followed.

This is a great space to add some devops magic!

This talk will give a introduction to regulated software development and operations, and show how devops approaches can help ensure compliance.



Mike Long


Mike is Founder and CEO at ComplianceDB.

Before this, Mike was CTO at Praqma.

Even before that, Mike worked on real time embedded systems, kernels, device drivers, network stacks and all things low-level.