Everything I know about incident response I learned on an ambulance

A more indepth, tactical version of a talk I’d given once before, not recorded though:

Effective incident response is more than just “get alerted, fix a problem.” Having a systematic approach that discourages “tunnel vision,” helps responders develop their own intuition, style, and procedures are critical in not only solving problems but also in preventing responder burnout.

Knowing what to monitor, how, and what questions to ask of your internal customers and of your monitoring platform itself can be difficult. Using my experience as an EMT and time working in ERs and ambulances, places where incident response can be a high-stress environment, I present a high-level framework for beginner and intermediate incident responders that will help them calmly and systematically tackle incidents.

I’ll cover things like:

Your patient’s vital signs Treating with time The difference between emergency response and surgery Treating your patient and not the monitor An acronym to help you ask the right questions



Thai Wood

Thai helps teams build more resilient systems and improve their ability to effectively respond to incidents. A former EMT, he applies his experience managing emergency situations to the software ...