Delivery Flexibility: Pipeline as Code with Jenkins & Groovy

“CI/CD helps us streamline processes for other teams BUT… we sometimes forget about ourselves! A standardized, repeatable process driven through code accelerates the work all technical teams do. Pipeline as Code brings those same benefits to the CI/CD process. This eliminates the need for manual job creation. More importantly, pipeline as code also allows the pipeline to be different for any code branch, which allows for tremendous levels of flexibility.

In this presentation, David Maillet will describe the Jenkins configurations and Groovy pipeline scripts that drive American Tire Distributors’ pipeline used in their eCommerce applications. You will come away with a good understanding of why pipeline as code is so valuable and the components needed to pull this off yourself.”



David Maillet

David Maillet, IT Director with American Tire Distributors (Huntersville, NC), seeks to free humans to focus on the really interesting and creative stuff by providing as much automated, self-service ...