devopsdays Stockholm - Sponsor

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please drop us an email at [email protected] .

About DevOpsDays

DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of technical conferences and it was held in Stockholm for the first time in 2017. Following the success of previous conferences, we are proud to invite you to DevOpsDays 2019 in STOCKHOLM.

DevOpsDays is a self-organizing conference and brings together practitioners and leaders in Software Development and IT Operations to collaborate and learn from each other. It is both a technical conference and a conference focusing on culture, processes and structure within organizations. We encourage both technologists and business people to attend, learn and share experiences. This unique mix of perspectives creates an atmosphere of collaboration and learning not easily found at other conferences.

DevOpsDays is a single track conference, with curated informative talks in the morning, and self-organized content in the afternoon.

The Stockholm charter of the Devopsdays conference ran successfully in 2017. For 2019 the conference is now independent of any single company and fully run by a community of volunteers.

Become a Sponsor

As a self-organizing conference, DevOpsDays depends on sponsorships. By sponsoring DevOpsDays you will get the opportunity to network and build relationships with highly motivated developers, sysadmins, IT executives and managers within the burgeoning Scandinavian DevOps community.

Our sponsorship packages are constructed to connect our sponsors directly with the community to facilitate networking, branding, and talent recruitment. We encourage sponsors to actively participate in the conference and engage with other attendees as peers.

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested, please email us at [email protected] .

PackagesGold SponsorSilver SponsorBronze Sponsor
Price60000 SEK40000 SEK15000 SEK
Tickets included642
Additional ticket discount20%15%n/a
Sponsor booth (incl. table & power)3 meter-wide1 meter-widen/a
One-minute sponsor pitchYesYesn/a
Logo on websiteYesYesYes
Logo on email communicationYesYesYes

Exclusive Sponsorship Add-ons

Would you like to get even more exposure at the conference? As a Gold or Silver Sponsor, you can add additional sponsorships to create your own custom package. The different add-ons are presented below, please contact us for pricing.

  • Dinner Sponsor
  • Party Sponsor
  • Lunch Sponsor
  • Breakfast Sponsor
  • Cake Sponsor (logo on top)
  • Lanyard sponsor for 30000 SEK

If you are interested in sponsorship add-ons, or have a creative idea about how you can support the event, please send us an email at [email protected] .

All prices excluding VAT.

Early confirmation of your interest and support for the conference will ensure a high level of exposure. An extensive promotional campaign including direct mail campaigns, social media and web exposure will be implemented and the opportunity exists for your company to be represented as a key sponsor of the conference well in advance of the actual dates.

The Venue

This year the conference will be held in the middle of Stockholm.

For sponsors, there is an opportunity to rent additional meeting rooms (contact the sponsorship team for details).

Further Information

This event is organized by the DevOpsDays Stockholm non-profit organization. For further information please contact the sponsorship team by email or phone:

Email:[email protected]
Phone:Johan Virtanen+46 730 810 252
Mark Baker+46 709 12 44 26
Matthias Grüter+46 706 566 283

The DevOps Sweden board is lead by Lowe Schmidt