Making Connections Visible - How to Defrag your Value Stream

How many different silos is your organization at the mercy of? How much time theft occurs from chasing down information across disparate systems?The hardest thing we do is communicate across teams. Discovering what’s going on and where things are at is a challenge when work flows are disconnected.

In order to solve these problems, it’s useful to find & fix the fragmented work – the broken handoffs – the disconnected communication (communication debt) that occurs between different people across the value stream. In this talk, Dominica addresses 3 things:

  • Complexity drives necessary specialization
  • Specialization causes expensive disconnects
  • How to deal with the resulting communication debt

Graphic Recording Making Connections Visible - How to Defrag your Value Stream



Dominica Degrandis

Author of Making Work Visible: Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow. Director, Digital Transformation @Tasktop. Huge fan of using visual cues to inspire change and provoke necessary ...