Tales from the Serverless

How would you architect an IT company if you can start out cloud-native? No data centers to worry about and no on-premise infrastructure. How long would it take you to fall back on building yet another virtual server? That’s not what we imagined for the cloud.

Join Greg Szabo down the rabbit hole in Amazon’s world of serverless technologies. Let’s look together at the architecture of the release management process when no servers are involved.

We will walk through multiple use-cases of implementing Amazon’s Lambda (with S3, CloudFront, ACM, Route 53, DynamoDB, CloudFormation) and other AWS technologies that might help your security-oriented friends (CloudWatch, CloudTrail, SSM, KMS, Organizations, Billing alerts), sprinkled with some other helpers for good measures, like Terraform, GitHub, CircleCI and Google’s Go language for a complete Continuous Integration experience. For a basic infrastructure setup, this might just be enough.

Well, as long as you’re not interested in more complex applications (where shall I put my docker containers) or decent monitoring (should I host or should I pay?). There’re lots to talk about.

Graphic Recording Tales from the Serverless



Greg Szabo

Greg has been building IT infrastructure and striving to completely eliminate IT operations since 2001. He got into multiple industries for big and small companies. For the past two years, as the Site ...