devopsdays Austin

Westin Hotel and Conference Center at the Domain
11301 Domain Drive, Austin, Texas 78758
DevOpsDays Austin’s 9th Year!

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DevOpsDays Austin 2020

Your DevOpsDays Austin Experience

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Each day starts with two keynotes and then three content tracks of expert talks in technology and tech culture. This year we've added two tracks of hands-on workshops as well. After lunch we have a series of lightning talks and then self-organize a series of small groups called openspaces. In these openspaces, attendees share and discuss their knowledge on a specific point topic of interest. You’ll find many opportunities to participate, engage, and discuss with your peers at DevOpsDays Austin!

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Expect talks and discussions from diverse voices on topics like developing resilient applications, monitoring and observability, building application security in via continuous integration, culture hacks, kubernetes tips, hiring good engineers, and many other subjects around modern challenges in dev, ops, QA, data, and management. Check out some talks from previous years on YouTube or follow us at @DodAustin on Twitter.

Celebrate Austin, the City YOU Love!

DevOpsDays is a network of local, practitioner-focused, nonprofit events designed to let technical professionals of all stripes come together and learn from each others' achievements and struggles.

Come and celebrate DevOpsDays Austin, now in its 9th year on May 4-5, 2020, at the Westin Hotel and Conference Center at the Domain in Austin, TX! It's the perfect place to network with the hundreds (600+) of other talented individuals in the local DevOps community.

We'd love for you to attend and consider sponsoring. Your support is what makes DevOpsDays Austin possible!

   Sponsor DevOpsDays Austin!

Covid got you down? Can't go to conferences? Marketing budget going unused? You don't need to travel. Come to DevOpsDays Austin and collaborate with the finest technical community anywhere, right here.

Devopsdays Austin Health Statement

Get a Taste of DevOpsDays Austin

While you're waiting for the 2020 event to arrive, enjoy some prior DevOpsDays Austin content.

More DevOpsDays Austin videos: