What is DevOpsDays Caceres?
A unique opportunity to share experiences in two days of talks, presentations, expert panels and networking with practitioners from Spain and the world.
Communities, professionals and students will have the opportunity to share and learn about development, infrastructure, tests, CI, etc. In an incomparable environment declared by the UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986.
- 70+ events in 2019
- Across 5 continents
- Dozens of local communities
- More than 20000 conference attendees
- 14 core organizers
- 100% nonprofit
Conference format
- Starting keynote from the organizers.
- Talks in the morning: this follows the traditional format of a speaker or panel.
- 30-45 minutes.
- Set of several ignite talks.
- Openspaces in the afternoon.
- Although Spanish will be the primary language of the conference, we will have some of the talks in English.
Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Friday, Mar 6, 2020