Growing your Agile team: Hiring and inspiring the right mindset and skills

Agile teams and ways of working are proliferating in today’s work world. The Agile Manifesto touts “people over process and tools,” and the principles mention, “build projects around motivated individuals, and trust them…” as well as “the best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.” But how can we hire the right people and best utilize the people we have? Heidi will discuss the criteria for hiring a great agile team and for growing a more high performing team; drawing from experience from her extensive background in teamwork and collaboration, and pulling from sources such as the Google Aristotle study, Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Stanley McChrystal’s Team of Teams, and others. Attendees with leave with concrete ideas on how to find the right candidates for teams and how to work with existing team members to increase levels of self-organization, collaboration, empathy, and teamwork.