Blameless Postmortems: How to Actually Do Them

So you’ve had an incident. Restoring service is just the first step—your team should also be prepared to learn from incidents and outages. In this workshop, you will learn some leading practices around postmortems/incident reviews to help your team and organization see incidents as a learning opportunity and not just a disruption in service.

In this workshop, attendees will:

  • Get an overview of blameless postmortems
  • Learn techniques for effective information sharing
  • Learn how to facilitate a postmortem meeting effectively
  • Understand the difference between “blame” and “accountability”
  • Participate in interactive exercises to practice these techniques

Location: Studio Movie Grill



Julie Gunderson

Julie Gunderson is a DevOps Advocate at PagerDuty, where she works to further the adoption of DevOps best practices and methodologies. She has been actively involved in the DevOps space and is ...