The Marriage is Over

No matter the size of your business, structure is the key to success. Of course, not just any kind of structure will work; businesses need a structure that is as adaptable and fluid as your business’ needs are. For tech businesses, the most popular way to achieve this style of structure is by using Agile and DevOps. While some would argue that either works fine separately, Agile and DevOps truly shine when they are implemented in tandem. Unlike traditional styles of product planning that works against uncertainty by planning out details step by step, Agile works with uncertainty. The Agile manifesto prioritizes customer satisfaction and promotes responsiveness to change by focusing on collaboration and feedback from the customer. By doing so, Agile achieves efficiency and speed. While Agile may be considered a framework, DevOps is a set of practices that decides how production systems are built and established. DevOps is best defined by its three principles: flow, feedback, and continuous learning. These principles focus on decreasing lead time, increasing the response to products, and constantly improving the process. With these principles in mind, DevOps delivers high software quality whilst obtaining continuous delivery. This makes for frequent, reliable software releases. Most businesses only take advantage of one or the other, but Agile and DevOps are complementary systems. Aspects of DevOps have even been directly influenced by Agile. While Agile addresses the issues involved in building products by providing a framework, DevOps actually focuses on developing software and improving the development of that software. The future of application development is with Agile-backed DevOps. Without adaptable structure and consistent development, a business can’t hope to achieve their goals and improve their product. By implementing both Agile and DevOps in all parts of their infrastructure, businesses achieve speed, consistency, and a better product.



Jason Yee

Jason Yee is Director of Advocacy at Gremlin where he helps companies build more resilient systems by learning from how they fail. He also leads the internal Chaos Engineering practices to make ...