When it comes to data solutions, one-size doesn’t fit all. Choosing the right best-matching database, or data tools, can be a game changer for your system. How can you take such decision effectively? The system, the company, the product, and probably your team - all are evolving, and the best solution for today may not fit tomorrow’s needs. In order to pick a data solution for longer term, you should evaluate the optional data tools according to several factors. These factors will reflect the requirements looking forward.
At this session, we will share such use case, of evaluating data solution, when we redesigned one of Oribi features from scratch. Our goal was to avoid a data explosion crisis, while the system kept scaling up. Having so many solutions out there - we needed to make sure that we are choosing the one that will support the increasing load farthest.
Eventually we picked up ten criteria factors, which we used to compare and choose the best solution effectively. Join the session to hear what were these factors, and get prepared for choosing the next data solution for your system.