When writing code there are many common repetitive tasks that we need to write but don’t want to invent ourselves, such as CRUD operations, http client etc. There are of course many frameworks and packages that we can use and rely on but we need to learn how to use them. So in most cases for implementing common operations and patterns we find ourselves searching in Google.

With very basic string syntax we search for what we are looking for and usually the search engine will give us back a Stack Overflow solution. In most cases we will copy and paste it (or some similar version of it) to our IDE. This process is time consuming, error prone and distracting, we lose our focus and context every time we leave the IDE to the browser and make decisions on our code that might be risky. However, relying on the knowledge of the developer community is important and very helpful for all of us.

So Instead of searching on the web for solutions, it seems that integrating stack overflow inside our IDE will make developers more efficient and less likely to make mistakes. With the continued growth of technology, prediction tools such as Intellij and AI systems a new line of developer tools emerges such as CoPilot , Kite and TabNine that are going to shape the future of developers. These tools have an AI engine that is able to give code suggestions for whole lines or entire functions right inside the IDE based on simple sentences.

This might sound scary for many of us developers, as it’s going to change the way we work but I actually think it’s exciting. In my talk I am going to share with you a bit more details about these tools and how they work and why I think all of us should take part in shaping our future.



Meirav Feiler

My name is Meirav and I am the Engineering Director of npm which is owned by GitHub. In the past year me and my teams have been working hard on improving npm’s CI/CD process moving from old tools and ...