DevOpsDays DC Community–
During these difficult and different times, we are trying to create the best possible event for you because you deserve it. We recently decided we needed a little bit of extra time, thought, and effort to do that. As we started the planning for this year’s event, our discussions and feedback we received from some of you indicated feelings of exhaustion with virtual conferences this year and a general sense of “meh” with them recently. All the more reason to give ourselves more time and space to create the kind of event you’ll be excited to attend.
For all those reasons, we decided to move the event from its original two-day format on September 16-17 to one day on November 4. By moving the date back, we will have more time to put together an impactful and exciting program you’ve come to expect from us in past years.
If you have any ideas or feedback you’d like to share about the event or our decision, we would love to hear from you.
Thank you so much for your support, patience and partnership with us, and most importantly, for being a part of this amazing community that means so much to us.
We look forward to seeing all of you in November!
–The DevOpsDays DC 2021 Organizers