Automation is hard and we are doing it wrong


We spend a lot of energy and time on automation, yet often we struggle to reap the benefits. Automation is one of the pillars of DevOps. Automation is also difficult and often approached in a bad way. This talk will cover why and some strategies for successful automation.

Automation is touted as the magic bullet to productivity. No matter if we talk infrastructure, testing, deployment or traceability. Many projects that start an automation effort in search of the silver bullet, will however spend a lot of effort in automation with low return on investment.

This talk will cover how we go wrong in our automation efforts and some tips and tricks for moving in the right direction with the right mindset.



Johan Abildskov


DevOps Consultant

I am a Continuous Delivery and DevOps consultant and teacher. I did not write the book on DevOps, but I did write the song for DevOpsDays Copenhagen. I help companies both with
