Terraform from 0 to 400 in 3 hours

Important: bring your own laptop with VSCode, Terraform and AWS CLI v2 installed. An AWS Sandbox Account will be provided.

In this workshop, we learn Terraform based on a practical AWS use case. It starts with a S3 bucket, and at the end we deployed a stack with a lot of services, tools and best practices, all in Terraform. It’s highly recommended that you’re already familiar with AWS, AWS CLI, basic Linux commands, and IaC in general (for example CloudFormation), because this workshop is at a really high pace. The workshop material will remain available for participants after the workshop, so you can use it as a cheat sheet and to finish (additional) exercises. Important; bring your own laptop and an AWS sandbox account.



Martijn van Dongen

Martijn is a Cloud Evangelist and Mission Critical Engineer at Schuberg Philis. He is a notorious AWSug.nl Community Leader, and recognized by AWS as a Community Hero and APN Ambassador.sohan-maheshwar

Sohan Maheshwar

Sohan is a Developer Advocate based out of Amsterdam, Netherlands. He is deeply passionate about emerging technologies and how it is shaping the world around us. He frequently works with developers in ...