Trust Nothing, Not Even This Talk!

Resilience Engineering (RE) is the concept of preparing for the unforeseeable. But what happens when the unforeseeable is an ongoing global pandemic that has exacted physical, psychological and logistical toll on us all? Just how much resilience ought we plan for? Does it include the end of the world as we know it today? What is our breaking point?!

In this session, I’ll introduce some key concepts of Resiliency Engineering (RE) as defined by John Allspaw. While it will cover system resiliency, my main focus will be on the people and the org. The discussion will include examples of RE in the wild, as well as practical ways engineering practitioners at all levels can practice it. Most importantly, I’ll discuss what happens when RE meets its limitations and how we can cope with that new reality.


André Henry

André Henry is an Engineering Leader at HARRY’S and a lifelong hacker. He cares about leading engineers and enabling them to do their best work. André lives at the intersection of lasers, cats, and ...