Implementing a Privacy First Strategy

Over the last few years privacy of the individual online has become a hot topic. With the introduction of the GDPR, privacy became a first-class human right for EU-citizens. At the same time, recent allegation at the address of many social networks have shown that when technology grows uncontrolled, it easily jeopardizes this right. Although this focus on privacy can easily be classified as risk and a lot of work for your business, it can also reveal a massive opportunity. Can we turn it around and make privacy a unique selling point of your software? During this talk I’ll give a clear definition of what a Privacy First strategy is, where it comes from and supply 7 simple patterns & practices to make it part of your software.



Alex de Groot


Alex is a highly enthusiastic person with 15+ years’ experience creating successful (SaaS) software. A contagious source of positive energy mixed with a curious mind makes him a fast learner and smart
