Thursday, Sep 15, 2022 - Friday, Sep 16, 2022
Check out the amazing program we've put together!
Get your ticket to attend! The most valuable thing you'll get with your ticket is two days of learning, sharing, and connecting with the speakers and other attendees at the event.
That’s certainly enough, but you’ll also get:
- The DevOpsDays DC 2022 t-shirt and stickers.
- A super cool badge worth keeping. (Like this one from 2019, but with this year's logo.)
- A copy of the new book, Investments Unlimited, from IT Revolution, co-authored by John Willis with a chance to have him sign it. (John is also a co-author for The DevOps Handbook, another of our favorites.)
- Continental breakfast, lunch, and beverages (e.g., coffee, tea, water, soda) each day.
- A happy hour on Thursday, 9/15.
- An N-95 mask and individual bottle of hand sanitizer.
- Opportunity to get whatever neat swag our sponsors brought with them to share with us. (But the real value is in learning more about our sponsors and what they do.)
We have an updated COVID-19 policy. Please read about the measures we're taking to protect the health and safety of everyone who attends DevOpsDays DC 2022.