Reimaging the Role of Testing in DevOps; It’s a New Mindset

The transition to DevOps requires reimagination; both to the test process and to the role of the tester. This dual reimagination requires a new mindset and a commitment to quality from all members of the DevOps team.

Continuous testing, increasing both velocity and quality by optimizing the test process to focus on mitigating business risk is the new foundation of the test process. DevOps teams embrace shifting left by implementing the test automation pyramid; heavy automation at the unit and component levels and progressively less at higher levels of testing. Automated checks implemented throughout the continuous integration pipeline to provide quick feedback.

The new role of the tester must focus on the unique skills that a tester brings to the team. Although some DevOps teams ask testers to automated testing, the tester can provide more value through test design, by determining how to test. Developers know what to test, but testers specialize in how to test. Developers code automated tests that testers design and testers execute the edge test cases manually The role of the tester becomes that of the manager of the test process. It requires a change in direction and a new mindset for the entire DevOps team as they must recognize the importance of the tester skillset and recognize that every team member is responsible for quality.

In this session, we’ll explore new approaches to both the role of the tester and the test process. We will look at ways to reimagine the testing process through collaboration of all team members and their commitment to quality. Finally, we will suggest a framework for aligning test activities ways that make the best use of the individual skills of each team member.



Gerie Owen

Gerie Owen is a Lead Quality Engineer at ZS. She is a Certified Scrum Master, Conference Presenter and Author on technology and testing topics. She enjoys analyzing and improving test processes and ...