Using UX Methods to Validate Product Assumptions

Elevator Pitch

Using design thinking processes to validate your product ideas can be a more affordable approach to create value for your users. This talk will focus on how you can save money and create value before ever writing a single line of code.


Digital products often find themselves running on tight timelines and even tighter budgets. Oftentimes user experience is the first thing to get cut which can be a costly mistake for your product and the business. Design Thinking can be leveraged early in the product life cycle to ensure that the product will meet or exceed expectations of your users. Rather than spending time and money on development to find out your assumptions were wrong, use Design Thinking methods to validate, iterate, and align with your users.



Barry Closser

Barry Closser is a User Experience Designer and Strategist with 9 years of experience. They have worked for companies large and small across the Midwest. Their passion is around ensuring the right ...