Boost your mental agility by thinking like a scientist

Have you ever wondered how much of the shared wisdom in the Agile community is actually true? How much of what we – Scrum Masters, Coaches, Trainers, Leaders, Agile practitioners – often hear or say to drive the point home might be a myth?

It turns out that the human brain is not always our liaison in pursuit of knowledge. We often fall into a default mode of thinking that is easily corruptible, naive, influenced without our awareness, and prone to biases.

Join this session for an invitation to challenge your own thinking and beliefs by trying a scientist’s hat on. The session will help boost your self-awareness and mental agility by exploring 4 modes of thinking. Expect to walk away with tools to stay actively learning by “embracing the joy of being wrong” (Adam Grant “Think again”) and with tips to better connect and help others. All the while, busting a few common myths together along the way.



Elena Maksumova

Elena Maksumova is a passionate Agilist, practicing Scrum Master (CSP-SM), Agile Coach (ICP-ACC, ICP-ENT, ICP-CAT), and Agile Leader (CAL I). She has over 20 years’ experience in various software ...