Networking at This Conference: Build Your Connections and Advance Your Career Today (Literally)

Elevator Pitch

Most people love conferences but are intimidated by networking. This presentation is a fun and funny discussion with practical ways to network effectively during this conference. Attendees leave energized and excited to connect with each other.


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of networking at this conference and the benefits it can bring to their career growth and development.
  • Learn different ways to network during this conference, including attending workshops and sessions, participating in networking events, and utilizing social media.
  • Develop effective communication skills for networking, including how to introduce themselves, ask questions, and follow up with new contacts.
  • Learn how to build and maintain relationships with industry professionals they meet during this conference, including tips for staying in touch and offering value to others.
  • Develop a personalized networking plan for this conference that aligns with their career goals and objectives that they can implement immediately.

Overview: Networking is a critical skill for anyone looking to advance their career, and conferences provide a unique opportunity to meet new people, learn about industry trends, and gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in your field. This presentation will provide practical tips and strategies for networking during this conference, including how to introduce yourself, ask questions, and follow up with new contacts. Attendees will start this conference with the knowledge and skills they need to make the most of their experience and build strong connections with industry professionals that can help them advance their careers.



Elle O'Flaherty

Following a 17+ year legal career and certifications in ICF-accredited executive, ADHD, and career coaching, Elle O’Flaherty founded Interlace Solutions, a coaching firm dedicated to tapping
