DevOps For Databases

Elevator Pitch

Lots of organizations “Do DevOps” for their applications, but much fewer apply this mindset to databases. We’ll talk about how to do automate your database changes safely and reliably on the technical side, and also how to gain buy in on the organizational side.


In this session, we’ll start from the beginning and discuss the decisions you need to make when deciding how you want to build and deploy database schema changes. We’ll talk about Migration vs Model based approaches and the pros and cons of both. We’ll discuss common gotcha’s and review the workflows I’ve gone through to get to a successful build and deploy pipeline up and running in no time (including a multi-tenant SQL Server database that got its start over 25 years ago).

Towards the end, you’ll see a live demo of using GitHub Actions to deploy to a cloud Postgres database.



Scott Sauber

Scott is a software consultant and primarily does web development using ASP.NET Core and JavaScript. His second dev passion behind web development is building DevOps pipelines and automating ...