FrAgile - lessons from a failed agile transformation

Many of us have had the experiences of big changes promised by agile transformations. Move Faster! More Efficient!

Sometimes - however - it doesn’t go very well.

Imagine you’re the engineer on the team picked to be scrum master. Big new changes sweeping the organization. Sounds fun, right? The even send you off to get certified.

But now you’ve got to deliver. And moreover - what if you weren’t the most senior engineer on the team? How do you interact with a person who likes things as they were? What happens when the winds shift in upper management and agile is no longer a priority? How can you tell if it ever was?

Join me as I dissect the contours of a failed agile transformation. I’ll talk about the factors that lead to our team falling back into a semi-waterfall process in perpetuity, and what I would have done differently, given the chance to do it again.



Josh Klein

Josh is a Senior Integration Advisor at Split Software, where he helps customers implement and scale software for controlled deployments and experimentation. He has 12 years of experience as an ...