The Cinderella of Security - Combining forces with compliance for better security outcomes

Cinderella is the story of the adopted stepchild left behind but ultimately desired; her stepsiblings going to great lengths to fit into Cinderella’s shoes. Let’s learn how to build a culture of collaboration among security, compliance, privacy and legal to achieve more as an organization. For years, I have seen compliance be the cinderella of security, often left behind or overlooked, yet prized at the end of the ball. While security has pushed forward attempting to do whatever they can to push an agenda that might improve security of the organization, it often equates to jamming a foot into a shoe that doesn’t fit. By attending this talk, you will learn the best ways to approach, partner and collaborate with your compliance team to achieve more. Everyone wants to make their organization’s product more secure; by viewing security through various lenses, together we can achieve more.



Kendra Ash

Datadog, Security Engineer on Trust & Safety

Kendra is a Security Engineer at Datadog, with experience passing audits in a fast-paced environment, through partnership across the organization. She
