How To Train Great DevOps Engineers? Apply DevOps Principles!

Too often, developing our skills and careers is left as a side-effect as we chase the latest requirements of our current project. If we want our colleagues, and ourselves, to continue to promote DevOps principles and work in an ever-changing technical landscape, we need to make future-proofing our people a priority just like our applications.

Having helped over 100 learners develop their knowledge across the DevOps ecosystem and earn professional qualifications, I’ll share some insight into what we learned about unlocking more flexibility and more capability from each other by applying DevOps principles to the act of training, including how you can:

  • Take your user-focus & apply it to training goals
  • Be Agile with people’s careers
  • Apply principles of targeted monitoring to training



Jack Mead

From a background in Software Engineering at Softwire, Jack developed a love for learning and mentoring and has spent the last two years focused solely on upskilling engineers as part of the DevOps ...