devopsdays prague - Contact

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Our local team

Ľubomír Kováč


Ľubomír Kováč

For more than a decade, I’ve been crafting the ability of introducing sophisticated bugs into the software for future generations to resolve. That led me to an idea to share this art with community on MeetUps and spread the joy of software engineering.

Pavel Selement


Pavel Selement

I’ve been moving between Dev and Ops roles for more than 15 years. Nowadays I focus on growing infrastructure in ALICE Technologies. Previsouly I worked mostly for big corporations with heavy processes and red tape and I was trying to streamline and automate their pipelines and bring new technology into their world.


Marek Sottl


Marek Sottl

I have been in software development and security for more than 10 years and I found my purpose in the development and the cloud. I hold several Cloud certifications, run the YouTube channel Hakcitect´s playground, and maintain open-sourced ultimate DevSecOps Library. A creative atmosphere and connecting innovative brains are the reasons why I want to build communities at scale.

Karolína Strejčková


Karolína Strejčková

I have covered a number of different fields over the past 8 years; ranging from marketing and brand management through sales and key accounting to recruiting & HR. I am passionate about fast-paced start-up environment and helping companies grow rapidly. My last working experience brought me to a DevOps company; where I have started to actively build DevOps community via meetups, knowledge sharing and networking as well as had the opportunity to get involved in agile software development.

Vaclav Kotyk


The global core organizers support local teams.