Here we go again. Let’s talk about this black plague that undercuts our beloved community. The condition is called Burnout, but it’s not what you think it is. I’m not talking about the one where people get frustrated and change jobs; I’m talking about the one that is killing young men and women. We lost several DevOps family members over the years to this plague. There have been many more that have come dangerously close. After writing a blog about one particular suicide in 2015, I created a firestorm. My goal was to expose the deadly pathology of the topic as much as possible. A few weeks ago, in February 2023, we lost another beautiful soul. Sadly, we cannot get lazy and ignore this issue in our community. I decided to dust off my old research and added a few new details. I will break down what we know about Burnout, examine some survey data, and suggest ways to achieve healthier outcomes for ourselves and our colleagues. The meta point, and why I want to do this keynote now, is that we all need to educate ourselves and keep a vigilant watch for our brothers and sisters.