Maybe the discussion if platform engineering is just Ops 2.0 on shared platforms is still going on. However, seen from a products’ perspective, the purpose of platform teams is undeniable to improve the usage of their platforms: business-centric agile teams should focus on business challenges instead of solving common DevOps problems. Unfortunately, specific business problems need sometimes specific adaptions to common tool sets: the borders between responsibilities are blurred. Innersource offers a golden path to address this challenge: Based on well established open-source guidelines, platform-enabling software is developed in different teams in a company. Even though platform teams own their tool set, these components are open to be further developed and adjusted by all using teams. This approach transforms static tool sets to be more organic and agile, further increasing developer experience on commonly used platforms.
2008-2014: University of Konstanz, Research Assistant 2014-2022: SBB, Software Architect, Product Owner, Product manager 2022-today: Professor for Cloud