Development process of Cloud native applications - a story of transformation


In the Session “Development process of Cloud native applications - a story of transformation” Thomas and Timon will present the cloud native journey of SAP Cloud ALM. SAP Cloud ALM is a SaaS solution with over 2000 customers, 250 developers and more then 60 microservices. You will learn what the right question are, that you have to ask yourself when you create a new cloud product, how important it is to have the right core beliefs to reach the Elite-Level of DORA and that nothing speeds up a cloud transformation more than a paved road of tools. The session is intended to stimulate reflection why the software development process should always be understood as a system and not as the sum of the individual tools and processes.



Thomas Stein


Chief Development Expert and Transformation Lead @ SAP SE

Thomas is leading the process of feature driven development with daily deliveries to customers for our new product CALM. He transformed the


Timon Schuele


SAP SE, Development Manager of Deploy with Confidence

Timon is the Development Manager of Deploy with Confidence (DwC). His passion are all aspects of cloud-native development and the transformation
