Platform Engineering Is Not About Tech

“What are we using for pipelines? Which infrastructure do we support? Is service mesh enabled?”. These types of questions - revolving on tech choices and implementation - currently occupy most of the conversations around platform engineering.

According to most evidence, though, these are not the only things that make a cloud-native platform successful: cultural change, communication and collaboration, reorganized processes, shared vision and roadmap - among others - play a key role in determining the success of platform transformation. If we don’t address change comprehensively, the risk is that in a few years we’ll discover that platforms are not bringing the results we expected.

In this talk we’ll see some key aspects that are often overlooked in implementing a platform and how it’s possible to address them along the way. We’ll also share some of the pitfalls and lessons we learned in our experience, supporting large and small organizations in building their cloud-native platforms.



Nicolò Cambiaso

Platform engineering aficionado. Promoting better development through cloud native.

Communications expert, event organizer, community gatherer. OSS contributor, sailing the K8s ocean since 2019.


Francesca Carta

Francesca Carta is Delivery Manager at Mia-Platform and is responsible for simplifying product use and adoption. With a background in philosophy, she brings a unique perspective to technology. For the ...