Green Coding

There are many different possibilities to reduce the carbon footprint of software, throughout the whole lifecycle, from the design over implementation to running the stuff. Some Examples: Choosing the right tools, think about ressources especiually when programming analytics, database or machine learing stuff. Did you know about the carbon footprint when using google, stackoverflow or expecially AI based support tools, and even more important how to reduce it without reducing the benefit of those tools? Even a project manager who knows about green coding can make a difference just by encouraging the team members to check it out. This talk will give you a lot of different ideas, how YOU can contribute in reducing the carbon footprint a little bit. Spread the word and we will make the world a little better.



Arne Hattendorf

Software developer of passion Started with software developemnt at the age of 16, professional at the age of 25. Dipl.-Ing of Computer Science, 10 years as a freelancer, employed at CGS Brunswiek ...