5 Reasons You're Struggling to Debug Your Infrastructure in Under an Hour


In this lightning talk, we’ll dive into the five key reasons why debugging your infrastructure in under an hour remains such a challenge:

  • Lack of Centralized Visibility
    • IaC codebases are fragmented, with resources spread across multiple repositories. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of mono vs. multi-repo practices.
  • Inadequate Historical Data and Change Tracking
    • Understanding what has changed over time is crucial, yet tracking changes is challenging, often requiring tedious git diffs and log searches.
  • Insufficient Impact Analysis
    • Tools like Terraform Plan have limitations in predicting the effects of infrastructure changes. We’ll share stories of how attempted fixes with poor visibility led to new outages.
  • Fragmented Documentation
    • Maintaining high-quality documentation is tough. Scattered documentation across various tools can slow down response times, especially when the code isn’t yours.
  • Complex Multi-Cloud Environments
    • Handling multiple cloud providers is often necessary for compliance and reliability, but the complexity can lead to intertwined sources of errors.