Elevating UX Maturity: The Power of DesignOps

In an era where digital innovation is paramount, many organizations aspire to be user-centric but falter in actualizing this vision. Our presentation addresses this critical gap by advocating for DesignOps — a strategic approach to streamline and operationalize design processes.

We will dissect how integrating DesignOps can systematically elevate an organization’s UX maturity, ensuring that user-centered design principles aren’t just aspirational but are ingrained in every project cycle.

Attendees will gain invaluable insights through real-world examples drawn from our extensive experience across the private and public sectors, illustrating the transformative impact of DesignOps.



Florian Egger

Florian Egger is the founder and principal of Telono SA, a Geneva-based user experience (UX) research and design agency he founded in 2005. He manages a team of user researchers and interaction ...