devopsdays Halifax - Contact

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Our local team

Dewan Ahmed

Principal Developer Advocate

Dewan Ahmed

Dewan Ahmed serves as a Principal Developer Advocate at Harness, leveraging his decade-long experience tackling DevOps challenges across startups, corporates, and governments. With past roles at IBM, Red Hat, and Aiven, he is a seasoned developer relations professional. A tech speaker since 2016, he champions open-source and values community engagement.


Marisa Smith

Developer Advocate

Marisa Smith

Marisa had an exciting path that led her to Developer Advocacy. With a background in theoretical and computational physical chemistry, she’s run experiments at particle accelerators worldwide. But after finishing her Ph.D., she moved into industry. As Streamlit’s first developer advocate, she worked on initiatives throughout the company. After Streamlit’s acquisition by Snowflake, she moved on to other opportunities. She has a passion for learning and teaching others. She has been lucky enough to present at several webinars and conferences, ranging in topics from python, deployment, physics and chemistry.


Matt Joy

Customer Engineer

Matt Joy

Customer Engineer at Google with 13 years of experience in the IT industry. Passionate about technology both personally and professionally. Helping to expand the technology community in Halifax is a passion, and really enjoy sharing what knowledge and experience I’ve gained over the years with others looking to get into tech.


Nahrin Jalal

Developer Relations and Outreach Strategy

Nahrin Jalal

Nahrin Jalal has led Developer Relations teams in startup environments and contributed to the growth of a publicly-traded enterprise. She is deeply passionate about building inclusive communities, inspiring developers to address real-world needs with pragmatic software solutions, and creating technical content that is accessible to all skill levels.

The global core organizers support local teams.