Batuhan Apaydin

Batuhan Apaydın a.k.a. developer-guy has been very active in Software Supply Chain Security space. He is eager to learn more about it in all aspects because he know this topic will become one of the upmost critical topics that everybody has to be concerned. Towards that direction, he won the “Best Sigstore Evangelist” award and wrote a blog post about it to encourage to the next one and took an active role in first-ever SigstoreCon by being one of the Program Commitee members of the event and created a Twitter Community about Software Supply Chain Security and that community is now about 500+ people joined. He also tries to be active in the Turkey by organizing in-person, virtual meetups, workshops. He is the organizer of the two important organization in Turkey named DevOpsTr, CNCF Istanbul Chapter, Cloud Native Turkiye.