Platform ROI: Why should your company invest?

Platform ROI: More Than Just Dollars.

You don’t have to be an accountant. You just need to understand your company’s culture. A brief overview of ROI and why it matters and then we will dive in to learn about:

  1. Calculating ROI:

I’ll unravel the mysteries of ROI calculation, making it clear and something you can do yourself. Real-world examples and practical tips will be served with a side of humor, proving that ROI can be both enlightening and entertaining.

  1. Corporate Culture Impact:

Discover the connections between corporate culture and platform ROI. We’ll explore the importance of alignment that can affect ROI decisions.

  1. Beyond Cost Justification:

Beyond dollars and cents, we’ll delve into the world of non-financial benefits. Think of them as the hidden treasures of ROI – valuable, yet often overlooked. Improved productivity, innovation, and market gains will be showcased.



JT Perry


JT is a member of the Tanzu Value Advisory team at VMware, which works with the company’s most strategic customers to help accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. An experienced executive
