We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please email us @ [email protected]
We are excited to welcome you to DevOpsDays Kerala on 28-Sep-2024. This inagural year, we have organized a series of diverse and insightful tracks designed to cater to various interests and expertise levels within the tech community. Join us for a one-day event featuring tracks on DevOps, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Native Technologies, SRE and DevSecOps. There will be a separate track called "Open Spaces" focusing on technical interactions andhands on activities. We want you to attend the talks and to take part in the open spaces - We want you to get involved!
We greatly value sponsors for this community event.
If you are interested in sponsoring, drop us an email.
Sponsoring DevOpsDays Kerala will expose your brand to practitioners, managers, and executives from companies of all sizes and industries including retail, banking, manufacturing, medical technology, education, government, and consulting.
In this inagural edition of DevOpsDays Kerala, we are targeting 600+ technologists from across the state and beyond.