DevOps and Baking

Baking from a box mix requires little thought and usually yields good results, while assembling a cake from scratch can fall flat from inaccurate measurements or miscalculated techniques. Let’s explore the limitations of DevOps solutions that are offered out of the box versus built from scratch.

This talk is a comparison of my past profession with my current one. Looking at stages of baking in preparing, mixing, baking, and selling while comparing to DevOps stages of planning, building, deploying, and feedback. And disaster recovery! A look into what is needed when bread is burnt, a retroactive consideration of steps necessary to address disasters and how to recover.

We will go over recipes for success and how to be creative with customizing recipes and methodologies. Efficiency of processes will be considered and how to maintain this while adapting to changes and unexpected variables. The audience will gain freshly baked insights into managing DevOps infrastructures through a sweet theme.



Heather Thacker

Developer advocate with a background in software engineering.